Beaucoup de pluie

For the last 3 days it has rained steadily here in Aniane. We've had the odd day of rain before this, but this is the first time it has rained this long in the whole 8 months we have been here. Reminds me of home!! It's good for the garden though, everything was really dry before, and as you can see from the photo above, taken this evening at 7.30pm, the greenery has just taken off. The bright lime green of new leaves offsets the cloud and greyness of the day, so it still looks like spring. We didn't feel like sightseeing though. Instead we've all had a good rest, Al's got a tricky analysis done, E's played lots of computer games and read a couple of Moomin books and I've almost knitted a sock, while listening to my favourite podcasts (Guardian Science Weekly and From Our Own Correspondent (BBC Radio 4)). Time well spent!!

Earlier in the week it was sunny though. I took this pic at Villeneuvette, a charming little village built to house weavers who worked at the silk weaving factory, established in the 17th century. Draperies were made there for nearly 300 years, until the factory sadly closed down in 1954. The factory now stands in ruins, but there are still around 85 inhabitants of the village, which is close to the market town of Clermont L'Herault. Above the imposing gate through which you must go to enter the town are the words 'Honneur au travail' (honour to work).

Here's the factory, crumbling picturesquely..

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