Whew. Made it.

Our luck continued, and we found a taxi to the station in Aarhus, AND our train arrived and left on time. That's it in the picture above, arriving at the station.
We had time for dinner at Hamburg Hbf station, and I have to say that Hamburg looked really pretty from the train. We were used to the routine on the nachtzug (night train) by now, but didn't sleep any better unfortunately. That thing rocks and rolls around on the track and screeches to a halt just as you are falling asleep ... well, been there, done that, as they say. Hopefully never again! It was delayed (due to 'delays' on Belgian railways, according to the announcement at Montpellier) and I got really travel sick. Luckily we still had time, once we got to Paris Gare du Nord, to pick up a pack of travel sickness pills before the frantic dash on the metro to the Gare de Lyon and onto the TGV to Montpellier. The travelsick pills sent me straight to sleep (I did wake at one point with drool on my chin ... aaargh!!) but I was awake enough at Valence TGV station to notice the cherry trees in blossom all the way down through Nimes to Montpellier. Oh boy! Spring!!
So here we are back in Aniane. Even after a nights sleep, E and I still feel like we are in a centrifuge - we can still feel the old train rocking under us! Now I guess I should start on that huge pile of laundry ...
How come that the enormous pile of laundry is always FAR BIGGER than all the stuff that actually went into the suitcases? Glad you made it back in one piece - sounds like quite a trip!
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