Nachtzug to Hamburg
Some people call the night train a 'sleeper', but I think that's a bit of a misnomer. You do get a comfortable bunk, and all the (very compact) amenities you need, but sleep - not so much! The gentle rocking of the train was pleasant, although rather noisy, but every hour or so we would (literally) screech to a halt, which had the effect of a very efficient alarm clock. Never mind, the breakfast was delicious and there was plenty of it, and for once, not getting a good nights sleep didn't really seem to matter, expecially when we staggered dazed out of the station in Hamburg, complete with lavish orchestral music emanating from a speaker somewhere attached to the station building, to SNOW!!

Our hotel room wasn't ready so early in the morning so after a fortifying coffee we set off to find something to do (most things are closed in Hamburg on Sunday). We found our way to a canal boat tour, which took us up the Alster, to see where the rich people live. Gluhwein and hot chocolate were on sale in the boat, and while it was -7 degrees Celsius outside, it was nice and warm in the boat.

Check out the cute moomin-style bathing house!

It was lucky, really, that the shops were shut as we found lots of cute things in window displays, including this must-have man-shaped cake tin!! How have I lived so long without one (and will go on living without it too ..)
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